Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Science Experiment - Jean Piaget Experiment - Year 10 Cert. essays

Science Experiment - Jean Piaget Experiment - Year 10 Cert. essays According to Jean Piaget, the concrete operations stage develops in children between the ages of 7 and 11 years. They develop a course of thought which allows them to perform some higher mental processes, such as performing simple mathematics operations (like addition and subtraction). Concrete Operations is one of the four stages of Cognitive Development in children that were proposed by Jean Piaget, a renowned child psychologist. Cognitive Development, or Cognitive Structures as they are also known, are patterns of mental or physical action that underlie specific acts of intelligence and correspond to stages of child development. There are 4 primary Cognitive Development stages. Intelligence is based on only motor actions and through assimilations. For example, infants have certain skills in regard to objects in their environment. These skills were certainly simple ones, sensori-motor skills, but they directed the way in which the infant explored his or her environment and so how they gained more knowledge of the world and more sophisticated exploratory skills. These skills he called schemas. For example, an infant knows how to grab his favorite rattle and thrust it into his mouth. Hes got that schema down pat. When he comes across some other object say daddys expensive watch, he easily learns to transfer his grab and thrust schema to the new object. This Piaget called assimilation, specifically assimilating a new object into an old schema. When our infant comes across another object again say a beach ball he will try his old schema of grab and thrust. This of course works poorly with the new object. So the schema will adapt to the new object: Perhaps, in this example, squeeze and drool would be an appropriate title for the new schema. This is called accommodation, specifically accommodating an old schema to a new object. All of this is based on the pr...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How To Get A High-Traffic Blog, Even If Youre Blogging Solo

How To Get A High-Traffic Blog, Even If Youre Blogging Solo Ive been solo blogging for over 12 years. I have seen the enemy. It is us. Yeah, I have come face-to-face with a few challenges in that time. And yes, you  are absolutely going to recognize these three core problems: Random and irregular publishing.  What to publish? When? Why? Whee. Publishing something worth reading. Havent published in a few weeks.  This crappy post will have to do. Letting other people know I just published something. Only my mother has commented on my post. No one is reading! You could say the same for team blogs, too, except with a team blog you have others to help publish, edit, designblame. When its just you, you have to make it all happen on your own. How Solo Bloggers Can Publish More Regularly Random and sporadic publishing results in much less traffic than you could have if you published more reliably (and more often). Have a look at this bar graph from seven days of traffic on my own blog. Which day do you think I published a blog post? Its not a huge difference, but it is a noticeable one. When you blog, more people come and read. You have to publish to get visitors.All the drafts, ideas, or SEO magic in the world wont help you if you do not publish blog posts.  Blogger Kevin Duncan recently (and humorously) shared his findings  on what happened when he blogged every day. What did he discover? No surprises here. He found that by publishing on his blog daily, he had: An 84% increase in the social shares of his blog posts. A 119% increase in comments on his content. A steady bounce rate (meaning he didnt trade low traffic for more visitors that left quickly) A 46% increase in traffic in general. Heck, publishing every day must be the solution! Maybe twice a day! Noooo. A team blog might be able to publish every day, but thats asking a lot of a solo blogger, particularly if youre really into long-form content. Maybe youre a real whiz kid, and you can pull it off, but most of us cant keep that kind of publishing schedule up on a regular basis, particularly if you have a full-time job or freelance clients to attend to. So no. This isnt an admonition to blog every day.  Please, lets not mistake the problem of  haphazard publishing with one demanding daily publishing. At the end of Duncans experiment, despite the increase in traffic and shares, he realized that kind of schedule was too demanding on him, and that it left him little time to promote or build social proof.  It is possible to publish regularlyonce a week. Or twice a week. In fact, regular publishing has no numerical definition. It just has two qualities that need to be met: 1. You publish on a regular schedule so people know what to expect. Do I know who my audience is? (distracted and want something new every few days vs. reading once a week is fine) Do I know what is expected or typical of my niche? (breaking news every hour vs. nothing changes in a decade) Have I created categories that I can regularly write on? (giving each category equal attention) 2. You publish on a regular schedule so you dont find yourself forgetting to publish. How much time do I have to create new content? (get a calendar, look at the clock, and do the math) How many words can I handle per post? (sit down, write a few posts without fussing, and see what your typical word count seems to be) Do I have a list of headlines ready to go? Have I brainstormed ideas before hand? (planning ahead is hard if you dont have anything to work with to put on your calendar) Regular publishing is for your audience and for you. The first is for building trust, and the latter is for building a habit. Planning to get things done is not the same as planning HOW  to get things done. How can help: is an editorial calendar, and editorial calendars are a fantastic way to set up this kind of regular blogging. You have to make the decision on how often youll blog and what about, but you can use an editorial calendar to help you make it happen. has features that seem geared towards teams, but I use them as a solo blogger with great effect when planning. For this stage, where Im laying out the plan to help me publish regularly, I use s tasks. They serve as reminders of things I need to do for each posts. I get email reminders and can track them in my account. Whichever tools you decide to use, an editorial calendar will help. Weve created a free comprehensive guide on how to use an editorial calendarwith printable starter sheetsand it works great for solo bloggers! How Solo Bloggers Can Publish  Something Worth Reading Pursuing great content is like pursuing the golden fleece. It is fraught with disagreement and terror. 1. Define what is worth reading. You're going to be frustrated if you don't know what you consider great content. Great content isn't what everyone else is doing, and frankly, great content isn't necessarily what gets shared the most on social media (headlines have a huge part in that). If you aren't into data or don't care for scientific research, don't go chasing after posts with headlines like "How To Choose The Best Diaper, Backed By Science." Determining this is similar to writing a mission statement for your blog. For my blog, I set up a rubric that goes something like this: Does it help or hurt people? Does it encourage or discourage people? (Sometimes helpful content, depending on how it is relayed, can be discouraging.) Will people feel something after having read it? (laugh, thoughtful, sad, etc.) Have I written the best I am able to at this moment? (I might be embarrassed a year from now, but I shouldn't be embarrassed now.) Is it original to the best of my ability? (i.e. not purposefully aping other bloggers) Is it somehow a part of my larger story? (for a personal blog, this is fairly easy) Am I being overly sensational or making linkbait? (after awhile, you'll get backlash) Come up with your own rubric. Define what you think is good writing for you and your niche. 2. Do good writing. The mechanics of your writing should be top notch. Your research (if it applies to your style of post) should be impeccable and from good sources. You should take the time to proof and edit your posts as best you can, even though you don't have a proofreader. You should be familiar with writing techniques, like storytelling or journalism, as best you can. 3. Don't forget the extras. Once the writing is in place, you have the extras, like graphics and photos. Because you don't have a team designer, you need to find a way to create images for your posts on your own. Use apps geared for non-designers and create graphics for your posts. Rethink how you use stock imagery and consider coming up with viable alternatives. How can help:  The comments section of each post works great with teams, but it's also fantastic for solo bloggers. I use it to store research, links, images, and ideas for posts. Often, post ideas come to me in a rush and while I don't have the time to write a full draft, I can at least write down the gist of the idea. I put it in the comments section, and whenever I decide to write the post, I have a strong foundation to build on. How Solo Bloggers Can Get An Audience You can publish regularly, and you can publish Pulitzer quality material, but you're not out of the woods yet. Merely publishing is only 1/3 of the solo blogging story. Search engines and the whims of fate and the kindness of your mom might bring some readers to your site, but it's not bringing in as many as you could be. The truth is that regular publishing brings more traffic, but that's often because we publicize our new blog posts on social media and that brings in traffic. This is why you don't have to blog every day, but you must promote every day.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The using Okuns law to track and analyze the changes in the Research Paper

The using Okuns law to track and analyze the changes in the unemployment rates over the last decade - Research Paper Example Output and employment have a tendency to more simultaneously. In 1962, Arthur Okun conducted an empirical research over the relation between changes in unemployment to the changes in gross national product in US economy.The Using Okun’s law to track and analyze the changes in the unemployment rates over the last decade.He found that for every 3 percent increase in real output of the country, unemployment decreased by 1 percent. The observers of this result started to dub it as â€Å"Okun’s Law†. Thus for the United States, Okun coefficient is 3. It can logically be expected the output of a country to approximately move one for one with the level of employment. Okun, however, argued that Measures unemployment is less volatile to any economic change than output. This is for, according to him, fluctuations in working hours and labor force participation generally hide underemployment to some extent. (Okun, 1962). Okun coefficients are not same for all countries. It h as been found by the economists that most of the developed or industrialized nations of the world have higher Okun coefficients than United States. It simply implies that, in most of the other industrialized nations of the world the rates of unemployment have a tendency to vary less for a given fluctuation in gross domestic product than in case of the United States. A reason for this could be that in United States labor market is less regulated than in other countries and hence companies can more easily lay off their workers during economic slowdowns. In most of the industrialized countries, there are stronger implicit job protections by the societies, stronger unions, and higher governmental restrictions on laying off workers than in United States. (Kaufman, 1988; Moosa, I. A.(1997) However, over the years, many industrialized countries have undertaken various reform measures to reduce restrictions on labor market so that companies can exercise more freedom in laying off workers at the time of economic downfall. Thus, Okun coefficients of many industrialized countries like UK, Canada, Germany, Japan, France and so on have been lowered in recent time than before. However, USA still has the largest Okun coefficient. (Kaufman, 1988; Moosa, I. A.(1997) One interesting thing about Okun coefficient is that it can change over time as the relationship between output growth and change in unemployment depends to a large extent on a number of other factors like technology, social regulations, demographics, laws, etc. As these factors change, Okun coefficient might also change. (Lee, 2000). Here this Okun’s law will be used to analyze the movement in the rate of unemployment in US over the last decade. Here an attempt will be made to find out whether Okun coefficient is still the same in US as documented by Arthur Okun. The last decade has experienced huge economic fluctuation, and hence it would be quite interesting to find out the value of Okun coefficient under such economic slow down in US. At present, most of the economies throughout the world are going through a critical phase of recession and among all the economies. The situation has been so critical that the most power economies in the world also have not been able to escape this economic crisis. Economies of U.S., Japan, China, U.K. etc are all suffering from severe demand crunch and consequently fall in production and employment. U.S. is the Worst hit country by the current recession. The ongoing economic crisis through out the whole world owes it origin in U.S. following a huge credit crisis in the home loan market. Since early 2008, the U.S. economy has been looming under recession. Many economists are even of the opinion that this recession has started during the last quarter of 2007 itself. The effect of recession has not been confined to U.S. economy only. In late 2007 and even early 2008, most of the stock market indices across the world were touching the sky. Under such sce nario, corporate houses were showing over enthusiasm and in several of countries money was flowing in huge

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How can we Know the Nature of Reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How can we Know the Nature of Reality - Essay Example The idea of Socrates that the concepts contain the true and sustainable knowledge was the basis of Platos philosophy, but the philosophy of Socrates considered primarily ethical concepts, while Plato extended this position to all concepts without exception. Socrates did not question the relatedness between the concepts and reality: the ethical concepts could reflect reality at least in order to be its positive samples, despite the fact that nothing corresponded to them in reality. By extending the theory of ethical concepts on all the concepts, Plato had to put a new problem: what is the reality that people learn using concepts? Similar to all Greek philosophers, Plato was a realist (Kraut). For him it was an oracle that if the concepts contain knowledge, there must be a real object of this knowledge. Nevertheless, what is that object? Plato understood the matter as follows: the characteristics of concepts are their individuality and sustainability. This is the first prerequisite. Th e objects, about which people have some idea, should have the same characteristics as their concepts. This is the second premise. At the same time, all the things known to people from experience, do not have these characteristics because they are more complex and fluid (changeable). This is the third premise. Hence, Plato concludes that things are not the objects of the concepts and thus they are not real. According to Plato, stable characteristics belong to the concepts, not to the things. For example, Plato considered the question of what is the object of the concept of "perfect." Beautiful things cannot be the real object of the given concept since they are heterogeneous and unstable. It remains to assume that there is something perfect unknown to people from direct experience. It is always one and unchanging, and therefore has a genuine reality. Beautiful things are the object of experiences and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Impact of the Columbian Exchange Essay Example for Free

Impact of the Columbian Exchange Essay The Columbian exchange is the exchange of goods from the New world to the Old world and vice versa. The new world included Europe, Africa, Asia and the new world was known as The Americas. Things that were traded during this time were tomatoes, apples, potatoes, cacao, corn from the New world to Old world. Oranges, lemons, wheat, and rice were major things traded from the Old world to the new. Because of the Columbian exchange, it still affects our modern society. Like how we interact with other countries to get what we need. And trade off things that we have to benefit us. There were many things that occurred that were changed in the world due to the Columbian exchange. For example the spreading of diseases from the old world to the new world. The disease spread from one place to another during the trade was by the ships that shipped over the goods. People and animals would carry unknown diseases to The Americas to trade. Not knowing the people who were there would get exposed to the germs and get ill. Since theyve never encountered diseases from the new world before, they cant fight it off and this caused a major wipeout in The Americas to the people who had no immunity. Diseases like smallpox, measles, malaria, whooping cough were all diseases that the Native Americans living there have never encountered. Because of the rapid spreading of diseases they couldnt find out to escape in time and smallpox (killed most of the Natives population) got rid about 95% of their entire population. The remaining Native Americans would be angry by how not only did the Europeans have invaded their lands but also killed them with their deadly diseases. The Native Americans didnt have any diseases that the Europeans werent already immune to, so the spreading of new diseases wouldnt really have major concerns on the people of the Old World. This caused tension to arise between the two but to the Europeans, they had better things to worry about. Like coming up with ways to help make them more powerful through trade. They knew the Natives were no longer any threat to them. Theyve and have the technology to defeat the Natives at any given time and already have taken over the land. The Columbian exchange also played a role in resulting in the spreading of European culture. With all the trading going on more explorers from Spain come to settle on the New World to look new wealth and to spread Christianity. Eventually others from different countries from the Old World also migrated over to find job opportunities. The Europeans took this opportunity to spread their religion across the New World. They taught the people about the bible and Christianity and as more people learned about Christianity they converted. Which was the beginning of the spread of Christianity. This was a positive thing for the Europeans because they would be gaining more power over the people now that they are on their side, believing in their religion. For the native Americans this did not benefit them. Since the European culture rapidly spread throughout the new world, spread their culture was not able to be carried out to others and it slowly died down. They no longer could live the way they use to, believe in the things they did and carry on their traditions and customs. With the new shipping technology the Europeans over time advanced, let them travel and take over more lands and spread their customs and change the peoples current ways of living and convert into Christianity or they would be killed. Christianity soon traveled and spread all over the world and teachings of it changed peoples everyday life and beliefs. The way they viewed life and the things they needed to do to show their dedication to god. They now have to go to the place of worship the church. Every aspect of their lives was impacted by what they believe now. They changed the way they lived to be fit to what the bible tells them what they should do. For example the bible doesnt believe in planned parenthood and abortion so this caused a major population growth. The spreading of Christianity couldve raised competition between other religions of the expansion of each one. Slave trade also spread to the Americas from the Old World during this time. This impacted America in both a positive and negative way. The positive is that the people living in the Americas get free labor. They dont have to hire people to do field work or any manual labor work. And getting slaves for a good deal bargaining the things they already have. But because of this factor it was also the reason why the economy wasnt as high as it couldve been. Due to slavery, they were force to do many jobs so when people that were looking for jobs had limited choices to find one. There werent many job opportunities since the slaves were doing most of the work out there. The economy was effected also in negative and positive ways. The free labor the Europeans were getting from the slaves caused more food production to be made and faster to trade for more things from the Old World. Fast crops production would mean they wouldnt run out of supply and that will benefit them during trading. In the slaves perspectives, they were treated cruelly and unfairly. Forced out of the homes and family to work day and night unpaid for an unknown owner. They dont get any benefit out of this system except for the fact they are provided food and a shelter over their heads. This affected their lives in many ways. If they had children they needed to teach their children what their duties were and what they needed to do. This would change their perspectives in life and their beliefs. On why they were being placed in the Americas and question their faith in god. These questions they might have had could later influence and change the view of their religion later in their childrens lives.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Realism and the War on Terror Essay -- essays research papers

Realist thought on international relations fit comfortably within the context of the great wars of the twentieth century. Powerful nations possessing massive military forces took aim at one another to affect the hierarchical structure of the international system for the good of their own security and power. These wars, however, differ greatly from today’s unconventional war on terrorism. Therefore, the realist theories of yesterday, while still useful, require at least some tweaking to fit the present situation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Probably the most obvious critique of realism with regard to the war on terrorism is that it is a theory that deals with international relations. The belligerents in the war on terrorism are not always conventional nation-states. Therefore, any theory that seeks to explain international relations must be amended to fit the framework of a situation in which nations are not the only players. This is not simply a matter of diction either. Non-state actors do not always act like states possessing a cohesive foreign policy and a desire for self-preservation and advancement. Furthermore, terrorist organizations are not tied to any specific area of land surrounded by well-defined borders that are protected with conventional military forces. This is not to say that terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and Hezbollah are entirely devoid of the motivations on which traditional nation-sates act like the desire for power, wealth, and security; beca...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Flexible Budget Essay

What is a flexible budget? A flexible budget projects budget data for various levels of activity. The flexible budget is a series of static budgets at different levels of activity. The flexible budget recognizes that the budgetary process is more useful if it is adaptable to changed operation conditions. Flexible budgets can be prepared for each of the types of budgets include in the master budget, so depending on your particular business you will have different budgets in your flexible budget. †¢ What are the steps to developing a flexible budget? The flexible budget uses the master budget as the basis. To develop the flexible budge the following steps need to be taken: 1)Identify the activity index and the relevant range of activity 2)Identify the variable costs, and determine the budgeted variable cost per unit of activity for each cost. 3)Identify the fixed costs, and determine the budgeted amount for each cost. 4)Prepare the budget for selected increments of activity within the relevant range. †¢ What information is found on a flexible budget report? Flexible budget reports are a type of internal report. The budget report consists of two sections 1) production data for a selected activity budget such a direct labor hours and 2) cost data for variable and fixed costs. The report provides a basis for evaluating a manager’s performance in two areas: production control and cost control. Flexible budgets are widely used in production and service departments †¢ How is that information used to evaluate performance? At the end of a budgeted period, you need to find out if your planned expenditures fell in line. The flexible budget is the budget with figures that are based on actual output. It is then compared to a company’s static budget to get variances between what level of spending was expected and what actually occurred.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Book Analysis of Oliver Twist

1. The title of this novel is Oliver Twist and it was written by Charles Dickens. It was first published in Nov. of 1838. 2. Main Characters: First of the main characters is, of course, Oliver Twist. He was born in a parish workhouse where his mother died during the birth. A lady named Sally was present while he was born and when his mom died, she took from his mom a ring and a locket. Then he was sent to an infant farm until he was 9 years old when he was put back into the workhouse. There the orphans are mistreated and starved and when he asked for more food at super he was branded a troublemaker and they offered him to be apprenticed by anyone who wanted him. He was then apprenticed by an undertaker, but he ran away to London because he fought with the undertaker’s son who mocked his mother’s death and was beaten for fighting. There in London he lives on the streets until a boy gives him a place to stay. When he goes he is thrown into a band of thieves under a man named Fagin. He doesn’t like the crime of steeling that he witnesses and is falsely accused of. He is taken in by the victim of the theft who treats him well and cares for him until Oliver is kidnapped and delivered back to Fagin. There are many more unfortunate events in his life, but in the end it turns out good for Oliver. I believe Dickens wrote the story to show that the environment that people live in can turn them into criminals instead of the belief that people are just born that way. Oliver shows this because his environment was always trying to turn him bad, but one could clearly see that he didn’t want to be a criminal and did not agree with the lifestyle and in the end he never became one. The other main character in the book is Fagin. It is rumored that Charles Dickens was anti Semitic because of this character, but those claims are untrue. This was because Fagin was referred to as â€Å"the Jew† and many of his features were that he was ugly due to many stereotypes of the way Jewish people look. Anyway, in the book this man is a terrible person who manipulated people for his own gain, mostly for money. In the story he was always trying to manipulate Oliver into becoming one of his thieves like the rest of the children he took off of the street. I believe that out of all the characters within this book, Fagin has to be the worst of them all because of how he corrupted the minds of the children to do his dirty work. I believe that he represents what is wrong with society and he himself is influenced by his environment because he isn’t very educated and poor so the only way to get money, in his mind, is to steel it. 3. The setting of this novel was during the early nineteenth century in England. In this time the industrial revolution was taking place which caused many to move to the cities causing crowding and many people became poor and lived on the streets. There were more advancements in technology at this time and also religious uncertainty began amongst the people as well. With these aspects combined many poorer people turned to crime in order to survive. This is why Oliver Twist was thrown into the events throughout this novel. 4. This novel is about a young boy who was orphaned at birth and ran away from a workhouse to London England. There he lived on the streets until a man named Fagin took him in and tried to turn him into a criminal. Oliver resisted and got away from Fagin with the help of good people who he met throughout the story. 5. The most important conflict in the book was how the environment of living on the streets which turned many people to thievery put its influence on Oliver Twist. This conflict goes on throughout the entire novel and Oliver never allows his surroundings to influence the way he will live his life. 6. â€Å"When the boy is worth a hundred pounds to me, am I to lose what chance threw me in the way of getting safely, through the whims of a drunken gang that I could whistle away the lives of! And me bound, too, to a born devil, that only wants the will and has the power† This is a quote of Fagin and I chose it because it shows what kind of person he really is. One can see how far he goes with his greed and the way in which he uses people for his own gain when reading this statement he makes. â€Å"†¦as Oliver looked out of the parlor window, and saw the Jew roll [his old clothes] up in his bag and walk away, he felt quite delighted to think that they were safely gone, and that there was now no possible danger of his ever being able to wear them again. They were sad rags, to tell the truth; and Oliver had never had a new suit before. † This passage is important because it gives an insight to the character of Oliver Twist. Ever since he was born he has been labeled and ridiculed for the clothes that he wears and this passage shows that the chance to choose his own clothing is extremely important to Oliver. 7. The point of view of this novel was told through third person; an anonymous narrator. This allows the reader to get different perspectives of events through more than one character. . A theme that Dickens has in this novel is the affects that a social environment has on people’s morals. He shows this by describing the way in which people live on the streets; turning to crime to survive. In the book Dickens shows that the environment people live in doesn’t corrupt a person entirely because he shows that criminals within the story still have a conscience and Oliver’s morals are never corrupted throughou t the entire novel which goes against what many believe. Another idea that he puts forward in the novel is how government run charities for poor people doesn’t work. On the contrary it makes these people dependent on the government and they never are able to gain their independence and break free from the government’s hold. 9. This book reveals that the time period that Dickens lived in was one full of struggles and he questioned many aspects life such as capitalism, which in his opinion leaves people out to dry so to say, charity, and the effects that the environment has on people’s morals.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Conflict in the Mid East essays

Conflict in the Mid East essays Conflict and Turmoil in the Middle East The middle east is a land full of hate and conflict, many factors from both past and present combine to make the middle east the center of unrest that it is today. Some factors are its diverse group of peoples living in such a small area, the many different rulers and owners the land has had throughout the years, and the evil rulers the countries currently have. Those are just a few of the many reasons the middle east is presently a troubled and turbulent area. One of the main reasons there is so much tension in the middle east, is all of the different peoples and ethnic groups that live there. This is due to the numerous rulers the middle east has had over the past centuries. Ruling power will be passed from empire to empire and kingdom to kingdom numerous times, each time a new gauge is formed, more hatred is grown for the enemy, and more and more people wish to fight again for the land they believe is rightfully theirs. The middle east is defined as the lands in North Africa, all the way east to the Dardanelles in Asia Minor, so technically the first rulers of the middle east were the ancient Egyptians in 4000 BC, later the war-like Assyrians grew up along-side the Egyptians at about 1000 BC. Soon, at around 500 BC, the Persians came and conquered the entire middle east, with their capitol being in present day Iran. The Persian Empire was soon defeated by Alexander the great in 334 BC. His rule was short-lived, though, as the Romans gained control of the area in 300 BC. The Roman Empire enjoyed a long and prosperous reign until its inevitable collapse in 500 AD, this enabled the Arab-Islamic empire to gain control of the middle east, North Africa, Spain, and lands that stretched to the borders of China and India in the year 661. The rule of the Arab-Islamic empire went unchallenged for hundreds of years, until around the 10th century, when the Seljuk Turks, ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

APA Guide

APA Guide Plagiarism can be a pricey mistake, costing money, hassle, and jeopardizing your career. You want to make sure that you are properly using modern standards for documenting your sources as you write. Luckily, the APA Guide provides plenty of helpful guidelines for documenting your sources. The Price of Plagiarism The consequences of plagiarism can be dire. Even if you dont intend to plagiarize another persons work, you can put your career in jeopardy with a single mistake. You can face law suits, expulsion, and the publication of your paper can be declined, if any small part of your paper is considered plagiarized. The APA Guide to Citation The APA Guide helps you avoid these situations by properly citing works that you reference. Whether youre writing a business report or preparing an academic paper, you can use the APA Guide to properly credit your sources. Because of its easy parenthetical citation format, you can quickly insert your credits in a matter of seconds. When to Make Citations You must cite sources for any text you are summarizing, quoting verbatim, and for any idea or theory which is not your own. For instance, if you are citing Klauswitzs theory on the fog of war, you will need to quote his text (or a secondary source) in order to use that phrase in your paper. Even if you are quoting a source with which you do not agree, you still always need to include a citation for the quotation you wish to refute.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The love canal case Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The love canal case - Article Example By going through the case, under-examination, the first questions appears how the situation appeared at the first place. Since, toxic wastes had been buried in the trench, once specified for the canal by William J. Love, the Board and Education and the land developers must have not constructed anything on it, as their act not only destroyed the entire region, but also put hundreds of precious lives in grave jeopardy. Secondly, the governmental agencies also appear to be responsible for demolishing of houses, schools and other places built on the trench carrying fatal waste. Had they not allowed construction of the buildings at there, the area would have not witnessed spread of cancer and other diseases, along with occurrence of abnormal births in that region (Business Week, 32). Thus, the main problem is the (mis)appropriate allocation and use of the land without cleansing it for residential, educational and commercial purposes. However, since Occidental Petroleum Company had informe d about the presence of heavy toxic wastes buried while selling the land to the Niagara Falls Board of Education, in the wake of the latter’s threatening behavior, the Company did not have any responsibilities for the losses in men and material to be occurred for the future years to come. On the contrary, the Board of Education, land developers and governmental agencies are liable for the losses took place in the form of seepage and leakage of the toxic wastes. Thus, the loyalties certainly go to the Occidental Company, and the poor masses due to the very fact that the former agreed to pay heavy ransom for the loss it did not have any involvement or intention to get involved, while the latter suffered in the form of experiencing seepage, breakout of diseases, and demolishing of their residences and workplaces at large (Business Week, 33). Another important issue, appeared while